Zola_o nama About

ZOLA D.o.o.

osnovano 1990.

O nama

Zola d.o.o. je obiteljska tvrtka utemeljena 1990 godine u Zagrebu, Hrvatska, EU.                                             
Danas je u njoj zaposleno 7 radnika + 1 prokurista
Radimo u vlastitim prostorijama na cca 300 m2
Naša djelatnost: veleprodaja, maloprodaja, uvoz-izvoz, servis Brother pisača i ASonic ultrazvučnih kada.
U našoj trgovini nudimo: Brother pisače, ASonic ultrazvučne kade, potrošne materijale, informatičku opremu, Leuchtturm program za numizmatičare i filateliste.
Temeljni kapital 81.279,45 Eura / 612.400,00 Kn unijet u stvarima i novcu

Adresa sjedišta:

Zola d.o.o.  osnovano 1990 godine 
HR-10020 Zagreb
Trg senjskih uskoka 8
Hrvatska, EU
OIB: 18687961705
MB: 080208658  
tel: +385 1 6552727
fax: +385 1 6529 248
e-mail: zola@zola.hr
web trgovina: https://www.zola.hr

 Zola d.o.o. 10020 Novi Zagreb, Trg senjskih uskoka 8, Siget, 01 655 2727,
veleprodaja@zola.hr  097 7370 903
prodaja@zola.hr         091 6552 725
prodaja2@zola.hr       091 6552 729
Zola d.o.o. 10020 Novi Zagreb, Trg senjskih uskoka 8, Siget, 01 655 2727,
prodaja1@zola.hr  trgovina2@zola.hr  091 6552 730
Zola d.o.o. 10020 Novi Zagreb, Trg senjskih uskoka 8, Siget, 01 655 2727  servis@zola.hr
U prodavaonicu i servis osiguran pristup za invalidska kolica. Ispred ulaza je parking za bicikle.

Zola doo koristi usluge Banaka

Račun IBAN

Zagrebačka bankaHR2023600001101296203
Addiko bankHR4625000091101348484
Tijekom ovih godina postali smo:
Leuchtturm autorizirani distributer za Hrvatsku 2023./2024. ASonic Autorizirani Distributor za ultrazvučne kade za čišćenje 2021.-2024.  BROTHER APPROVED MPS Menaged Print Partner 2019.- 2024. Brother Japan, Brother Special Partner,Authorized Distributor 2006. - 2018 .  WTA, Germany, Distributor 2015-2019. Corintech Creative Technology, Great Britain, Distributor 2015-2023. Konica Minolta ugovorni partner 2013 /2023., SEIKO Precision Japan, Authorized DistributorImation Memorex Nederland, Authorized Distributor Scythe Japan, Authorized Distributor Seiko instruments USA Authorized Distributor Flexiglow, Autorizirani distributor (Cyber Snipa™) HP Business Partner for 2005 HP Supplies Bussines Partner for 2006,HP Ovlaštena trgovina, Epson Dealer, Epson Best Seller Canon Authorized Partner, Official Microsoft Dealer Panasonic Dealer Compaq Reseller VIPNET prodajno mjesto Acer Active Partner - Acer Sales Expert Sony Ericsson službeni partner Lexmark ovlašteni partner Allied Telesyn reseller


 ZOLA d.o.o.
since 1990. 
Company Zola was established in April 1990. in Zagreb, Croatia, EU
Employees: 7 regulars + 1 procurator
We work in our own premises on approximately 300 m2 (office, shop and service)
Our activities: wholesale, retail, import-export, service of Brother printers and ASonic ultrasonic baths.
In our store we offer: Brother printers, ASonic ultrasonic baths, consumables, IT equipment, Leuchtturm program for numismatists and philatelists.
Share capital 81,279.45 Euros / 612.400,00 Kn contributed in goods and money
Head Office:
Zola d.o.o. HR-10020 Zagreb Trg senjskih uskoka 8 Croatia, EU 
TAX ID: HR18687961705
tel: +385 1 6552727          tel: +385 91 6552725
fax: +385 1 6529 248
email: zola@zola.hr
web shop: https://www.zola.hr

Zola d.o.o. 10020 Novi Zagreb, Trg senjskih uskoka 8, Siget, +385 1 655 2727, trgovina2@zola.hr
Zola d.o.o. 10020 Novi Zagreb, Trg senjskih uskoka 8, Siget, +385 1 6552727,  servis@zola.hr                  

Zola doo Banks  
Accounts IBAN
Zagrebačka banka d.d. 
Addiko bank 

We are:
Leuchtturm Authorized Distributor for Croatia 2023./ 2024.
ASonic Authorized Distributor for Ultrasonic cleaner 2021. / 2024.
BROTHER APPROVED MPS Menaged Print Partner 2019.- 2024,
Brother Special Parner 2020/24.
Brother, Authorized Distributor for printers and service 2006.- 2018/19.
Corintech Creative Technology, Great Britain, Distributor 2015-2023..
WTA, Germany, Distributor 2015-2018.
Konica Minolta Authorised Partner 2013 / 2023.
Seiko Precision Japan Authorized Distributor Imation - Memorex Nederland,
Authorized Distributor Scythe Ltd. Tokio Japan Authorized Distributor Seiko instruments USA Authorized Distributor Flexiflow (Cyber Snipa™) Ireland Autorized Distributer HP Business Partner for 2005 HP Supplies Business Partner for 2006
Epson Dealer EBS (Epson Best Seller)
Canon Authorized Partner
Official Microsoft Dealer
Panasonic Dealer
VIPNET Sales Place
Acer Active Partner - Acer Sales Expert
Sony Ericsson Partner
Lexmark Authorized Partner
Allied Telesyn Authorized Reseller